What You Must Include on Your Food and Beverage Labels and How Kallik Can Help
Staying compliant can be a complex and challenging task, often resulting in common issues such as product recalls for F&B businesses, so here's your guide to FDA compliance.

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In the ever-evolving world of the food and beverage (F&B) industry, ensuring your product labels comply with FDA regulations is more critical than ever. FDA labeling guide are designed to protect consumers and provide them with essential information about the products they purchase. However, staying compliant can be a complex and challenging task, often resulting in common issues such as product recalls for F&B businesses. In this blog, we'll take you through what you must include on your F&B labels to meet FDA regulations and show you how Kallik's labeling and artwork management software, Veraciti, can be your guiding light in achieving compliance.

Understanding FDA Labeling Requirements

Allergen Declarations:

Allergen declarations are a critical aspect of FDA regulations. It's not uncommon for F&B businesses to miss declaring allergens, or sometimes they're present in the ingredients list, but the formal declaration is overlooked. Trustwell recently reported that undeclared allergens made up the largest percentage of recalls overall, making up 47% of all recalls in 2022 and 63% of recalls in 2023, so far - something which can easily be solved with proper artwork management. Veraciti addresses this issue by creating a rules list to identify FDA-listed allergens mentioned in the ingredient statement and verifies that the necessary allergens are captured in the declaration. This way, no allergen declaration goes unnoticed.

Font Sizes:

The FDA categorizes ingredients based on their required font sizes. To ensure compliance, businesses must align their font sizes with the FDA's categorization. Kallik's Veraciti doesn't just alert you about font size issues; it can automatically format your labels according to FDA standards, streamlining the compliance process.

Principal Display Panel (PDP):

Font size regulations are often determined by the size of the Principal Display Panel. While the PDP size may vary depending on packaging, Kallik's guideline and tagging system in Veraciti help you accurately format labels to meet PDP-specific requirements, ensuring that your labels are consistently in compliance. For example, the font size for the statement of identity and the net quantity of content must be proportional to the size of the PDP and should be placed in the bottom 30% of the PDP to ensure visibility. Veraciti makes this simple and ensures that you’re able to get things right first time.

The right symbols in the right places:

Symbols like recycling logos, organic certifications, fair trade marks—they aren't just visual elements; they represent adherence to standards and values. Veraciti goes beyond text-centric compliance by embracing the management of these symbols with finesse, leveraging asset management and a robust rules engine. With Veracitit’s rules engine and easy asset management, it doesn't just handle symbols as add-ons; it embeds them seamlessly into the labeling process, ensuring that each symbol is not just a visual element but a testament to regulatory adherence and brand integrity.

For many F&B businesses, migrating to new labeling standards can be a daunting task, primarily due to existing unorganized data. Kallik offers migration services that help you smoothly transition to compliant labeling standards. Our expertise and tools make content migration easier and more efficient. To learn more about how easy we make content migration, read our blog on reducing downtime and maximizing ROI with easy integration and migration for the F&B industry.

How Kallik's Veraciti Can Help

Kallik's Veraciti is not just a labeling and artwork management software; it's a comprehensive solution that ensures compliance with FDA regulations, streamlines label design and content management, and provides invaluable support for F&B businesses. Here's how Veraciti can assist you:

Automated Compliance:

With Veraciti's rule-based system, you can automate compliance checks for allergen declarations, font sizes, and other FDA requirements. Say goodbye to manual checks and errors.

FDA-Aligned Templates:

Veraciti offers FDA-compliant label templates. You can start with these templates and customize them to meet your specific product needs, saving time and ensuring compliance.

Font Size Consistency:

Veraciti ensures that the font sizes in your labels match FDA categorizations, keeping you in line with the regulations.

PDP Sizing Guidelines:

With our label template editor, you can format labels to the correct PDP size, avoiding issues with font size compliance.

Content Migration Services:

If you have existing data that needs to be moved or organized, Kallik can help with content migration, so you can confidently transition to compliant labeling practices.

In conclusion, FDA labeling requirements are complex, but achieving compliance is vital for F&B businesses. With Kallik's Veraciti, you gain a powerful ally in your quest for FDA-compliant labeling. From allergen declarations to font sizes and content migration, Veraciti simplifies the process, making compliance a breeze. Say goodbye to labeling headaches and embrace the precision and efficiency of Kallik's Veraciti. Your labels will not only meet FDA requirements but also reflect the quality and commitment of your brand to consumer safety and satisfaction.

Want to see the power of cloud-based labeling and artwork management software for yourself? Whether you’re in the food and beverage, pharmaceutical, medical device, chemical, or even the cosmetic industry, our experts are ready to help you transform your labeling and artwork management with the help of our innovative software, leading the way in the labeling and artwork software space. Get in touch today to see what we can do for you at enquiries@kallik.com or call +44 (0) 1827 318100.