Advancing Labeling and Artwork Content Management in 2024: Insights from the Kallik and Teklynx Webinar
Let's re-cap Kallik's recent webinar with Teklynx looking at the top tips for effective labeling and artwork content management in 2024, with insights from industry experts.

Content Manager


In a recent webinar co-hosted by Kallik and Teklynx, industry professionals gained valuable insights into the evolving landscape of labeling and artwork content management for 2024. This event provided practical advice and innovative solutions, focusing on the "5 Top Tips for Effective Labeling and Artwork Content Management in 2024."


Missed out on the webinar? No problem. Find out all about it below and watch the full recording. Right from label design through to label printing, we can help every step of the way.

Tip 1: Content-Centric Approach for Labeling and Artwork Control

The webinar kicked off with a discussion on a content-centric approach to labeling. Imagine a world where labeling starts with content. It's not just a dream; it's a game-changer. This approach aims to create a central source of truth, reduce redundancy, maintain consistent templates, and identify errors before they become issues.


Tip 2: Harness the Power of Label Templates

Label templates, often underestimated, were emphasized for their ability to save time and money. Templates keep marketing teams happy, making it quicker and simpler than ever to ensure that packaging is consistent and artwork is on brand. Templates are also particularly useful in regulated industries where they simplify the process of incorporating essential information into labels. Whether it’s cosmetics packaging, chemical labels, medication labels, or food labels, you can significantly speed up your process with the ability to drag and drop the right assets into the right place with templates.


Tip 3: Simplifying Labeling Translations

The webinar then went on to address the challenges of label translation. Lost in translation? Not anymore! The days of Googling translations for your labels are over. There are two possible approaches you can take:


Approach One: Traditional Translation Process
 It's time-consuming and error-prone, resulting in variations and inconsistencies. We've got a better way…


Approach Two: Centralized Translation Management
It's like magic - translations stored in the cloud, linked to the master phrase, and accessible to all authorized parties. Master phrase linking allows non-native speakers to produce accurate localized labels without needing the language knowledge. So no more confusion, just clarity.


Tip 4: Embrace Global Labeling Solutions

The future of labeling management, as discussed, revolves around cloud-based SaaS solutions hosted on platforms like AWS and Azure. There are a long list of benefits, here are some of the favourites:

  • Say goodbye to content approval delay headaches.
  • Shared label templates for a consistent brand.
  • Language variants managed with ease.
  • External partners at your fingertips.
  • It's Gartner recommended.


Tip 5: Automate Printing for Speed and Quality

Automation was recognized as a vital tool for simplifying the labeling process. It connects cloud data to local printers, enabling seamless data flow and efficient label printing. Automation eliminates manual tasks, IT complexities, and quality concerns.

Finally, we concluded the webinar by asking attendees which tip would be most beneficial to their business. Tip one, centralized control of content and artwork, proved most popular, closely followed by tip four, bridging the gap of cloud data to local printers. This suggests that businesses are focused on greater efficiency and consistency and the growing relevance of cloud-based solutions in modern business operations.

In summary, these five expert tips offer practical solutions for labeling and artwork content management, eliminating inconsistencies and inefficiencies. If you're looking to save time, resources, and alleviate the challenges in your labeling process, these insights provide a clear path forward. The future of labeling is here, and Kallik and Teklynx are at the forefront of these advancements.

Want to know more? Click here to watch the full webinar now.

Ready to Take Control?

Kallik's cloud-based labeling and artwork management solution is your ticket to labeling success. Want to know more? Whether you’re in the food and beverage, pharmaceutical, medical device, chemical, or even the cosmetic industry, our experts are ready to help you transform your labeling and artwork management with the help of our innovative software, leading the way in the labeling and artwork software space. Get in touch today to see what we can do for you at or call +44 (0) 1827 318100.