Get to Know the Expert: Kallik’s Chief Product Evangelist with a Passion for Creativity
Get to know one of our labeling and artwork experts, our Chief Product Evangelist, Dave Cash, and his love for all things creative.

Chief Evangelist Officer


At Kallik, we take pride in our expertise in labeling and artwork, and no one embodies this more than Dave Cash, our Chief Product Evangelist. With a career spanning over 28 years, Dave has become a cornerstone of our team, bringing a unique blend of passion, experience, and creativity to his role.

A Serendipitous Start in Labeling and Artwork

Dave’s journey into the world of labeling and artwork was, as he puts it, somewhat accidental. "Labeling and artwork chose me!" he says. Originally a photography enthusiast, Dave found himself at a crossroads as the digital revolution began to eclipse the analog era he loved. But fate intervened when a family friend introduced him to a packaging designer from Iceland Frozen Foods. This chance encounter led to a trial position as a Packaging Artworker, and from there, Dave’s passion for the field took root. “I owe a lot to Iceland for giving me an opportunity when I had zero experience,” he reflects, “My passion grew very quickly, and soon after starting, I was given a permanent position.”

Decades of Expertise Shaped by Support Early On

With almost three decades under his belt, Dave has seen the labeling and artwork industry evolve dramatically. When asked what has shaped his expertise the most, he points to the importance of early opportunities. "If I have to highlight one thing, it would most definitely be being given a chance to learn right at the start of my career," he emphasizes. Dave’s story is a testament to the value of nurturing talent, taking a chance on people, and the long-term benefits it can bring to both individuals and companies.

The Reward in Helping Others Succeed

When asked about the most rewarding part of his role, for Dave the answer is simple: “helping others to succeed”. Whether it’s guiding a team member, advising a client, or solving a complex labeling challenge, Dave finds fulfillment in empowering others. This collaborative spirit is at the heart of Kallik’s approach, where we believe that success is best achieved together.

Building a Positive Work Culture

Dave also understands the importance of a strong work culture. His advice to business leaders is clear: “Creating a fantastic work culture is an ongoing process that requires commitment from every level of the organization. It’s about fostering an environment where employees feel valued, respected, and motivated to contribute their best work.” At Kallik, we’re committed to fostering an environment where every employee feels valued, respected, and motivated to bring their best to the table. It’s this commitment that helps us maintain a vibrant and productive workplace and even earned us a Culture 100 Award this year!

Living by Inspiring Mottos

Dave lives by mottos that inspire both his personal and professional life. “The best advice I could give anyone is to spend your time working on whatever you are passionate about in life,” he shares, quoting Sir Richard Branson, one of his personal heroes. Another favorite quote of his, also from Branson, is “Screw it, let’s do it,” which perfectly encapsulates Dave’s proactive and positive attitude towards challenges.

When asked what advice he’d give to his younger self, Dave expresses the same can-do attitude, “Always listen, take the best, and leave the rest. Don't be afraid to fail, just ensure you learn from it.”

Dave Behind the Scenes

Outside of work, Dave’s passions are as diverse as they are enriching. A lifelong photographer, he continues to capture moments and tell stories through images, enjoying the challenge of finding the perfect shot. “I love how photography gives me a chance to express my creativity and see the world from different perspectives. The challenge of finding the perfect shot, playing with light, and experimenting with different techniques is something I find incredibly fulfilling,” Dave says. You can see one of Dave's fantastic shots below, capturing a gannet mid-flight.

Image of a gannet

Dave also talks about his love for gardening and the sense of calm and achievement that it brings him, “I enjoy the process of nurturing plants and watching them grow, from sowing seeds to seeing them bloom. Gardening allows me to create a space that is both beautiful and sustainable, and it's incredibly rewarding to see the fruits of my labor, whether it's a vibrant flower bed or a fresh harvest from my vegetable garden.”

Formula 1 is an obvious fit for Dave, combining his interest in technology and engineering with the thrill of high-speed races. “Formula 1 is more than just a race to me; it's a blend of speed, skill, and science that keeps me on the edge of my seat.”

Finally, Dave’s love for nature drives him to explore the great outdoors, whether hiking, diving or simply soaking in the beauty of the world around him.

Dave’s Dream Dinner Guest

If given the chance to dine with any historical figure or celebrity, Dave’s choice, as you may have guessed, is Sir Richard Branson. Like Branson, Dave has faced challenges with dyslexia, and he admires Branson’s advocacy for inclusive and innovative education. “It would be a chance to hear firsthand from someone who has turned his differences into advantages and used them to create a lasting impact on the world,” Dave explains.

Dave Cash’s journey from a budding photographer to a seasoned Product Evangelist at Kallik is a story of passion, perseverance, and the power of opportunity. His expertise in labeling and artwork is not just a result of years of experience but also a reflection of his dedication to helping others succeed and his unwavering curiosity about the world around him. At Kallik, we’re proud to have Dave as a key member of our team, and we’re excited to see where his passion and expertise will take us next.

Want to find out more about how Kallik can help you?

Why not chat with Dave about your labeling and artwork requirements? With almost three decades of experience, Dave is well-equipped to advise and support you, no matter how complex your labeling and artwork needs. Call +44 (0) 1827 318100 or email to speak to Dave today.