The Importance of Interoperability in Labeling and Artwork Management Software
Stuart Powell, Global Head of Product at Kallik, discusses the challenges with integrating software and the importance of interoperability.

Stuart Powell


Efficiency, accuracy, and compliance are non-negotiable in the medical devices and pharmaceutical industries. For businesses operating in this space, integrating new software into existing digital ecosystems can be a complex challenge—but one that’s increasingly critical to long-term success. Interoperability is no longer a “nice to have”; it’s an operational necessity. In our latest blog, Stuart Powell, Global Head of Product at Kallik, discusses the challenges with integrating software and the importance of interoperability.

The Rise of Digitization in Manufacturing

As businesses across industries embrace digital transformation, the focus has naturally shifted to the efficiency savings and increased profit margins that digital systems offer. In medical and pharmaceutical device manufacturing, digital solutions like Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) systems have taken center stage, streamlining complex processes and making it easier to meet stringent regulatory requirements.

However, ERP and PLM systems are only part of the equation. Labeling and artwork management software plays a critical, yet often overlooked, role in getting products to market efficiently. When these systems fail to communicate effectively with one another, the potential for errors and inefficiencies skyrockets, placing the entire operation at risk.

Why Interoperability is Key

When digital solutions operate in isolation—each functioning within its own silo—critical information can be delayed or even lost. This not only hinders operational efficiency but increases the likelihood of errors and compliance oversights. The result? Potentially costly delays, regulatory penalties, and in some cases, even product recalls.

This is where interoperability comes in, as it ensures a seamless flow of information between departments and processes, reducing the risk of error and helping businesses keep pace with ever-evolving regulatory demands.

Key Considerations When Integrating New Software

Integrating new software into an existing digital ecosystem is rarely straightforward, and the complexity often deters businesses from taking the leap, causing them to miss out on significant benefits. The solution though, is all in preparation and choosing the right software. 

No matter how large or small the organization, implementing new solutions raises critical questions: How will this impact our ROI? Will it be embraced by the team, especially those on the factory floor? Can we ensure this system works seamlessly with our current setup?

Failure to consider these challenges can lead to costly missteps. In particular, businesses often struggle when new software lacks the ability to integrate with existing systems. This leads to data silos, where crucial information is locked away in one part of the business and fails to make it to the right people at the right time.

The Impact of Interoperability on Traceability

Traceability has become a top priority for manufacturers, with over half of businesses actively seeking to enhance their traceability efforts. The reason is clear: robust traceability is critical for ensuring product safety and compliance, particularly in sectors like pharmaceuticals and medical devices.

However, without interoperability between systems, traceability efforts can be seriously compromised. For example, siloed data can result in inaccurate tracking of key details like expiration dates, content information, and supply chain history. This can make it difficult to respond swiftly to product recalls or quality issues—putting both the business and, more importantly, patients at risk.

Maintaining Brand Consistency Through Seamless Integration

Maintaining a strong, consistent brand presence is essential, especially when it comes to product labeling and packaging. Yet, when labeling and artwork management systems aren’t integrated, there’s a higher chance of inaccuracies creeping into the process. These errors can lead to inconsistencies across product labels, boxes, and leaflets, which not only hurts brand integrity but can also lead to compliance failures.

For businesses that rely on manual processes alongside digital ones, the risk of inaccuracies is even higher. Without automated checks, errors in labeling can go unnoticed until they’ve reached the point of use—sometimes even being caught by healthcare professionals on the hospital floor. This kind of oversight is unacceptable in the medical and pharmaceutical industries, where patient safety is paramount.

The Kallik Approach: Fully Interoperable Labeling and Artwork Management Software

At Kallik, we understand the challenges that come with integrating new software into established digital ecosystems. Our labeling and artwork management software is built with interoperability at its core, allowing it to integrate seamlessly with other systems and enabling businesses to streamline processes without disrupting existing workflows.

Our solution not only improves operational efficiency but also ensures compliance with ever-changing regulatory demands, all while freeing up valuable staff time. By embracing interoperable solutions, businesses can continue to drive efficiencies, maintain brand consistency, and—most importantly—safeguard the integrity of their products.

For further reading on this topic, take a look at the full article I authored for Med-Tech Innovation News here.